Insights / This millennial mom ‘charges’ her 6-year-old rent. Experts say it’s not too young. | MarketWatch

This millennial mom ‘charges’ her 6-year-old rent. Experts say it’s not too young. | MarketWatch

This millennial mom ‘charges’ her 6-year-old rent. Experts say it’s not too young

Kate Yoho, CFP®, at TBH Advisors, speaks with MarketWatch’s Venessa Wong about if/how parents should teach their young children about personal finance, following a viral TikTok video of a mom who “charges” her children for rent and groceries. “Starting them at that age is great. I love her strategy. It’s good and basic. Kids get excited about stuff when they’re little — especially money, because they don’t understand it,” says Yoho.

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